Of Mice And Men Persuasive Essay

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When my mom and dad got married their first housewarming gift was a tiny puppy. Through the first months of their marriage, this dog was essentially their first child. Sitting on the couch, Spike the dog, as large as he became, insisted on sitting on top of them. On Spike’s birthday, he would have his very own hat and balloons which he would flaunt in around the yard. Later my parents had my oldest brother and Spike was not getting the attention he needed. Sadly, my parents gave away a piece of their hearts to family friends who lived far away. To them, it was like experiencing the death of memories and a family pet even though they knew it would be the best choice. In Of Mice and Men a novel by John Steinbeck, the writer displays how taking the life of someone suffering may sometimes be a respectable …show more content…

Lennie’s whole life he has a struggled and George killing him was the best and only option. Readers learn that Lennie holds, “jus’ a dead mouse” while walking down the road (Steinback 5). George scolds Lennie for having a dead mouse because it is unsanitary, still, Lennie does not understand why it is so bad to hold a dead mouse. Additionally, one scene tells about Lennie and, “a little dead puppy that lay in front of him” which he continued to feel soothed by (Steinbeck 85). Any normal person would immediately shudder at the thought of a dead puppy and dispose of it, while Lennie is comforted still by the feel of the dog and even debates throwing it away. Also, Lennie is better off in solitude in the afterlife because no matter how hard he tries, his memory always fails him,“I forgot,” Lennie said softly. “I tried not to forget. Honest to God I did, George.” (Steinbeck 4). Challenges of memory must have weighed heavily on Lennie and his ability to make decisions. Painlessly, Lennie’s life came to an end this resulted in the end of Lennie’s fears, doubts and sadness in his

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