Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Character Analysis

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Have you noticed that many parents tell their children to dream big and strive to meet their goals? When you are a girl, however, your big dreams become harder to reach, especially in the work field. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the main characters named Lennie and George work on a ranch for Curley's family. When Curley's wife strikes up a conversation with Lennie, she tells him,"'...I met a guy, an' he was in pitchers...he says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soon's he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it...i never got the letter...'" (Steinbeck 88). Curley's wife's ideal career was to become a movie star. She believed she could have been famous for her spectacular acting skills because a man told her that he could have made her into a star, but he never showed up after their first encounter. At the time, if women did not have an occupation, it was very difficult to make a living and survive without marrying a man, thus causing Curley’s wife to marry Curley. However, Curley’s wife regrets the marriage as she says, “‘ I tell you I ain’t used to livin’ like this. I coulda made somethin’ of myself…’” (88). Curley’s wife feels that she had the potential to reach her dreams, but solely relying on the man’s return to ignite her career did not benefit her in any way. On the other …show more content…

The shooting did not intimidate Malala, and she continued to advocate women’s rights to education all over the world. In her speech to the United Nations, she declared, “The terrorists thought that they would change our aims and stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage were born,” (https://secure.aworldatschool.org). Achieving her goal was not an easy task, for the Taliban became a major blockade in her path, but she persevered and ultimately reached her

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