Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife A Victim

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In the 1930s, a woman’s expectation was only to be a wife. They were only to be seen and not heard. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is about two men named Lennie and George who are looking for work. When they come along to work on a ranch they meet new people and try to stay out of trouble. However, they meet the boss’s son Curley who is very small but good with his hands. His wife is friendly with the rest of the men on ranch, which causes conflict with the other men, which cause her accidental death. Steinbeck uses dialogue and characterization to reveal Curley’s wife as a victim because of her gender. Curley’s wife had dreams and goals that she wanted to achieve way before she even met Curley. While Curley’s wife was talking to Lennie she tells him she “ain’t used to livin’ like this I coulda made somethin’ of myself”(Steinbeck 88). Curley’s wife is concluding that she had a better life and could have done accomplish her goals. She even believe that she “Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes”(89). Curley’s wife believe that she could have been in movies if she never married Curley which ruined her dreams. She even thinks about leaving Curley at times. …show more content…

As she was talking to Lennie she said “I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella…”(89). She is telling Lennie that she doesn’t want to be with Curley no more. She flirts with other men on the ranch to make her husband jealous. After George and Lennie come to the ranch she comes to the door and “lean against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. You’re the new fellas that just come, aint ya”(31). She uses her beauty to flirt with the other man and make Curley jealous. However even though she is beautiful the men still don’t care what she

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