Oedipus the King and Oedipus Complex

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Oedipus Rex, is a Sophocles play, that according to Freud exemplifies

a formative stage in a individuals psychosexual development. The

psychosexual stages are the age related developmental periods in which

sexual impulses are exerted through different bodily zones and then

activities are associated with those areas in the bodily zones. These

is when a young child will transfer his love object from the breast to

the mother. When the child gives up the breast and moves to the mother

it is known as the oral phase. The child then has the sexual desire

for the opposite sex parent and will usually have hostility towards

the same sex parent. During this time, the child will have a secret

desire to murder the same sex parent. Freud called the childhood

desire to sleep with the opposite sex parent and to kill the same sex

parent Oedipus Complex. Freud describes the source of this complex in

his introductory lectures (twenty-first lecture): “ You all know the

Greek legend of King Oedipus, who was destined by fate to kill his

father and take his mother to be his wife, who did everything possible

to escape the Oracles decree and punished himself by blinding when he

learned that he had none the less unwittingly committed both these

crimes.”(16.330) Among those individuals that do not progress in the

proper way into the genital phase, can still be playing out the

psychodrama in various displaced, abnormal or exaggerated ways. Primal

desires of course can be quickly repressed but even among the mentally

sane they could always rise again in dreams and in literature. The

most critical conflict that the child must successfully resolve from


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... Freud (1905) Being that Oedipus was so much

younger then his mother probably really gave him the turn on of him

marrying an older women . The reason he probably feel in love with his

mother was due to the fact that they already had that attachment as

mother and son. The child also identifies with the same sex parent as

a way to resolve the sexual attraction toward the opposite sex parent.

Imitating the same sex parent also can play an important role in the

development of gender identity and especially healthy sexual maturity.

Oedipus Rex played out a psychosexual drama which consisted of him

killing his father along the road and then marrying his mother. It

could have been said that Oedipus suffered from a mental illness known

as Oedipus Complex, which was named by Sigmund Freud after the Greek

myth of Oedipus.

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