Odysseus Use Of Foreshadowing In Homer's Odyssey

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Foreshadowing is literary device by which an author hints what is to come. People cannot predict their future, however the choices they make foreshadow what the future will hold for them. In the epic, The Odyssey by Homer is about Odysseus’s journey back home and at the end of Book Nine, Homer used foreshadowing through prophecy’s curse and naming an approaching event. Homer use foreshadowing through Polyphemus’s prayer and when Odysseus was cursed by Zeus. After Odysseus escape from the Polyphemus and anger him, Polyphemus prayed to his father that Odysseus “never reaches home” and if he does, “let him come home late and come a broken man- all shipmates lost” (153). Homer also added, “so he prayed and the god of the sea blue mane Poseidon

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