Object Description and Meaning

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Although a baseball’s design is typically believed to be simple, a closer study will reveal that the ball’s composition is much more intricate than assumed. During close inspection, it is revealed to us that a baseball is a mathematically creative piece of art. The seams, stitched in unison, are meticulously shaped around the round object and serve a crucial purpose. These twine laces are designed precisely around the ball for aim and direction. For example, placing two fingers across the seams will allow the baseball to follow a straight pathway when thrown. However, if an individual places their fingers along or with the red seams during the throw, the baseball will spin and travel in a more lateral direction. Overall, there is a countless amount of ways to grip the seams of a baseball and each technique produces a unique result. Furthermore, a baseball’s meager size but dense composition allows the object to attain extraordinarily high speeds in short periods of time. Primarily, the ball’s density can be attributed to its compact, rubber core. Although the condensed core cannot be...

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