Analysis Of The Audacity Of Hope

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Obama’s Hidden Message: A Look At “The Audacity of Hope”

On July 27, 2004, Barack Obama made arguably his most important speech, “The Audacity of Hope”, at the Democratic National Convention Keynote Address. These conventions are for political parties to announce a winner for nomination. All the way through his piece, Obama focuses on connecting Americans and himself to the audience. In fact, at the time, Barack Obama was a US Senate candidate for the United States president, and in making this speech, was offered a window for raising his popularity. Throughout “The Audacity of Hope” speech, Barack Obama implements three main devices to raise his political popularity: repetition, abstract language, and structure.

Much of Obama’s speech applies repetition devices, principally anaphora and epistrophe, which imply emphasis on certain socially …show more content…

Speaking specifically, since abstract words have no explicit definitions, the words fit to the person who defines them. As an elucidation, consider this excerpt: “John Kerry believes in the Constitutional freedoms that have made our country the envy of the world, and he will never sacrifice our basic liberties, nor use faith as a wedge to divide us.” In this sentence, Obama uses the words “freedoms”, “sacrifice”, “liberties”, and “faith” to describe John Kerry and what he does. By using these abstract words, Obama creates a perfect American image, one that stands for everything America stands for. This is powerful. By comparing a person to a highly symbolic figure, such as the United States, Obama invokes high emotions among the audience, or the pathos of the piece. Other abstract words include “opportunity”, “promise”, “commitments”, “dreams”, “peace”, “truth”, “allegiance”, “hope”. All of these, in one way or another, reflect what America is

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