Nurse Ratched

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Throughout One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Nurse Ratched maintains power of her patients, but she does so in a subtle way that could be difficult to interpret. She requires everyone in the mental hospital to follow her specific daily ritual and if they asked to change it, she would get somewhat verbally abusive and threaten them with a variety of punishments. In addition, she caused the patients to feel such intense fear when she was in their presence, which is surely dangerous to patients who already have mental difficulties. However, her mannerisms are not always the easiest to pick up and she pretends to be doing everything in the patients’ best interest. Nurse Ratched had such an incredible amount of power over everything that went on in the mental institution and since it seemed to operate smoothly on the surface, she never got in trouble for her terrible actions. For example, the patients only want to be able to watch a simple baseball game on TV, but that would disrupt her usual plans for the day. Therefore, she became angry with them and could not give them a logical reason for denying their request. Once the patients started rebelling against her, she started implementing harsh punishments, such as ECT. However, this should certainly not be used as a consequence for bad …show more content…

She harshly threatens to tell Billy’s mother about his actions, knowing that this would get him worked up, eventually causing him to commit suicide. Because of her actions, many other terrible events transpired inside the hospital, all because she thought she had the power to do as she pleased. Towards the end of the film, McMurphy acts out against her and tries to attack her. Because of this, she decided to give him a lobotomy unjustly and he was eventually smothered by Chief in a mercy killing. As shown in all her actions, Nurse Ratched truly abused her power in the institution and went too

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