North Shore Oil Exploration and Drilling

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North Shore Oil Exploration and Drilling

There is some evidence that oil exists under the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This has led to a huge debate as to whether or not companies should be allowed to drill for this oil. A law was passed by congress in 1980 that states “production of oil and gas from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is prohibited and no leasing or other development leading to production of oil and gas from the [Refuge] shall be undertaken until authorized by an act of Congress.” If these oil companies do succeed in abolishing this law, then a land that has stood virtually untouched would be destroyed for what the United States Geological Survey has estimated is only 6 months worth of oil.

Much of Alaska’s North Slope has been open for oil exploration and drilling. Since the late 80’s however, oil companies have been lobbying congress to open the Coastal Plain of the Arctic Refuge. This is the remaining 5 percent of the refuge that has been untouched. Because of all the problems in the Middle East and here with Hurricane Katrina, opening ANWR to oil exploration and drilling has never looked so tempting. Only one thing is keeping congress and oil companies out of the refuge, wildlife. There are many rare animals that depend on this area for survival. By infiltrating this area with human activity, we would be sending these animals possibly to their death. We must ask ourselves is it worth threatening herds of caribou, polar bears, and many other animals for just 6 months of oil?

Congress has said that any tangible benefits to consumers from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will take at least a decade to come into full effect. Because of the fluctuating price of oil, congress wants to ...

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1. Leopold, Jason. “Alaska’s Crude Threat.” Earth Island Journal, autumn 2005, Vol. 20 Issue 3, pg. 39-41. Nov. 5th, 2005.

2. Hickel, Walter J. “President Carter is Dead Wrong about ANWR.” Human Events, 9/26/2005, Vol. 61 Issue 32, pg. 7-7. Nov. 5th, 2005.


1. US Fish and Wildlife, US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Land Management. Proposed oil and gas exploration within the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska / prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Land Management. Washington, DC: The Service, 1983.

2. Lentfer, Hank and Servid, Carolyn. Arctic refuge: a circle of testimony. Minneapolis, MN: Milkweed Editions, 2001.

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