No Stones Women Redeemed From Sexual Addiction Summary

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Abstract Throughout this paper I will discuss the book No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction by Marine Ferree. The book is written from the viewpoint of Marine Ferree, who shares her personal fight with sexual addiction. I will open with an introduction to No Stones to familiarize the reader with the book and the author. My paper will cover four main questions: the Problem, what does Ferree believe are some of the roots of female sexual addiction, treatment of sexual addiction, and sexual addiction and the church. I will also include my reaction to these questions. Introduction No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction by Marine Ferree, is an honest and yet sometimes alarming story of sexual addiction. The book is written from the perspective of Marine Ferree, who shares her own personal struggles with sexual addiction, sexual abuse, affairs, abandonment, and healing. What makes this book different from any other book written on sexual addiction is the fact that it is written from a wounded sexual addict but it also a tribute for all women strugglers. The beginning of the book …show more content…

Our family was highly dysfunctional. My mother was an alcoholic and my father left at an early age. I never dealt with what happened until a few years ago. I always thought I was fine until it finally surfaced. Unlike Ferree, I did not become a sexual addict but I was damaged. I was emotionally broken. Honestly, I believe I will have some level of difficulty counseling sexual addicts who have victimized a child. However, I believe that in order for me to successful help, I must remember that these individuals were often victims

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