No Condition Is Permanent, By Cristina Kessler

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In No condition is permanent, written by Cristina Kessler, a non-fiction, young adult novel, is about a young girl that moves to Africa with her mother for a year, to study the fishing culture of women. Jodie, the main character, is a teenage girl that has to leave her home in San Diego and moves to Sierra Leone, Africa with her mother, that studies the women of the tribe. The recurring theme of bridge building in the novel, tells the story of two totally different worlds colliding and having many conflicts, which brings them closer to learning about each of their cultures.
Jodie, a young teenager that lives in San Diego, has been moved around a lot and one day her mother has an idea of moving the both of them to West Africa for a year. Jodie …show more content…

This is because Jodie is quite clingy to Kadhi and Kadhi is going through important changes, that Jodie doesn’t understand. To explain, Kadhi is at the age where her and many other girls her age, go to secret place and sadly get a change to their body and no girl (especially in America), should ever get. Jodie tries to save and help Kadhi, but Kadhi believes this is what is best and she needs to do this for her own being. You do feel bad for Jodie, because all she wants to do is help Kadhi and save her from her womanly changes, that are happening. Jodie also helps Kadhi learn to read and write in exchange for help in working in the …show more content…

To explain, one day while working with the women of the tribe, Jodie see’s one of the older women setting fire to the crops. Since Jodie is from San Diego, and knows how crazy uncontrolled fires can be, she reacts in a outrageous way. She yells at the woman, telling her she’s doing wrong. Jodie eventually has to go back to the compound because of her unnecessary actions. Her mother explains to her, that burning the crops, helps grow them back faster and healthier. This demonstrates how one community believes uncontrolled fires will help in the long-run and that the other, knows the damage fires can do to a community and places around it. This shows the difference between the two and how not every place is alarmed by certain things can could be

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