No Child Left Behind Loopholes

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The No child left beind act didn’t work, because states found loop holes, scores weren’t all reported One big thing wrong with the No Child Left Behind act is the state's found loopholes. These loopholes made it easy for schools and states to pass the standards that NCLB set. In the NCLB act schools were supposed to be 100% proficient by 2014( Alyson Klein). Most people thought this was a good idea at the time and that they could achieve this. Looking back at this standard now the people that thought it was a good idea at the time now realized that it is not possible and there are always going to be kids that don’t make the cutoff(Alyson Klein). This dosen’t mean that the schools don’t have to try though. Many people now think that NCLB asked …show more content…

NCLB also made it so the schools had to increase there scores. This put a lot of pressure on the kids and schools. The schools had to preform well of they would be shut down. Kids were also put in extra classes to get there scores up. This also put a lot of anxiety on the kids they had to try extra hard. They were put in classes according to there test scores, and if they didn’t reach there scores they couldn’t participate in some of the things kids who passes could. Because the NCLB act made schools increase there scores every year schools set their bars really low. One analogy is We start with the 100-meter hurdles. In this event, all the hurdles are the same height, equally difficult to clear. No Child Left Behind establishes hurdles for schools to clear. Every year, schools must raise the percentage of students passing state tests. Some states though found loop a loop hole in this by setting the first bars really low(John Merrow). This made the kids not have to work for getting good scores and made then not even …show more content…

These test were what we called ITBS or Iowa assesments. I know we can all agree we hate these test so bad. Partly because they are long and boring, but mostly because they could determine whether you were put into an extra group to help you learn/understand better. They could also determine whether you get to take Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and so on. These tests were not thought through because one test cannot determine how smart a person. For all they new they could have been sick or forgot their glasses. When taking these test you had things at stake no one wanted to be in the extra groups or have a person help them out. Schools also made the students set goals for themseleves to try and reach when taking these tests. If you reached your goal you often got rewarded, but if you didn’t reach your scores you were embarrased. The worst for students was when they went down a lot because this means that you are smart just not trying. When the schools would see this thwy would often talk to the students. They would try to figure out what went wrong. Most of the time it was nothing just a fluk or they just weren’t feeling there best. These tests caused a lot of kids to get down on them seleves. As soon as the NCLB decided to do these test the drop out rate for highschool students increased drastically. To the point of where the states and group should have caught that and tried to figure something out

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