Nihilism- Original Writing

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Nihilism- Original Writing

Nihilism as a philosophical position is the view that the world, and

especially human existence, is without meaning, purpose,

comprehensible truth, or essential value. It is more often a charge

leveled against a particular idea than a position to which someone is

overtly subscribed. Movements such as Dada, Deconstructionism, and

punk/black metal/ death metal/ metal/goth have been described by

various observers as "nihilist". Nihilism is also a characteristic

that has been ascribed to time periods: for example, Baudrillard has

called postmodernity a nihilistic epoch, and some Christian

theologians and figures of authority assert that modernity and

postmodernity represent the rejection of God, and therefore are


Prominent philosophers that have written on nihilism include Friedrich

Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger. Nietzsche described Christianity as a

nihilistic religion, because it removed meaning from this earthly

life, and focused instead on a supposed afterlife. He also saw

nihilism as a natural result of the idea that "God is Dead", and

insisted that it was something to be overcome, by returning meaning to

the earth. Heidegger described nihilism as the state where "there is

nothing left of Being as such", and argued that nihilism rested on the

reduction of Being to mere value.

Definition of Nihilism

The Latin indefinite pronoun nihili ('nothing') is a reduced form of

nihilum, a term that derives from ne-hilom, an emphatic form of the

negation ne by means of hilum, meaning 'the slightest amount' and of

uncertain origin.

Nihilism in Philosophy



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adult and taking their life to the next level. You see this a lot

also with kids or people with divorced parents, they use it as a


It is against human nature to be a nihilist. Humans naturally seek

happiness and advancement, nihilism is opposed to both. We naturally

seek social bonds and relationships and a nihilist would say what’s

the point of doing that when it does not mean anything. All the

things discussed early, the Dada movement, punk music ect, are

examples of ways nihilist tried to create a following. Which

technically they are not supposed to want or need, according to them.

As human you can not supress the urge to have social relationships,

in essence there is no such thing as nihilism. It destroys itself

when it trys to adapt a following or justify its validitity.

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