Nicole Dickerson Biography

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I was born on Wednesday July 26, 1978 and named Sherry Nicole Dickerson. My mother, a Caucasian woman named Donna, and my father, an African American man named Fred, were both only 21 years of age when I came into this world. With times changing, but still not there yet, their biracial relationship quickly dissipated after the birth of my sister only 14 months later. Growing up with a single mother who was just trying to raise her two children was not always easy, but it taught me many things. Moving place to place and even ending up in shelters at one point is a big part of my childhood memories. Two things that never wavered in those days were my love for music and my thirst for knowledge. Unfortunately tough times at home led me to dropping out in my 11th grade year, getting a job, and moving into my own …show more content…

I had found the party life quite exciting, and let that fill many of my nights and days. Besides being social, I always had a song in my heart, lyrics written on paper, and a mic in my hand. I loved to sing and did it whenever I could. Music however, did not pay the bills so I found a job in the Medical billing field around 2001 and quickly progressed to making great money. During all of this time I never went to get my GED. Honestly, I was having too much fun and making nice money at what I did to even consider the option. Once I hit my late 20’s I began to settle down some. You see, my sister now had three children of her own to raise and I was determined to make sure she had all the help she needed. I started realizing that many other things mattered besides just partying. I began to save my money and plan vacations for myself. I have traveled all over the United States over the years, and take at least two vacations a year. It doesn’t matter where I go I must be by the ocean at some point each year. This would be why California and Florida are among some of my favorite places to

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