New Deal Dbq

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According to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the New Deal was needed to help end the Great Depression. Did this program end the Great Depression? No matter how much everyone wanted it to end, the answer is no. The New Deal had goals which included relief for the needy, economic recovery and financial reform, but they were failed to reach. Many critics had believed that the New Deal had failed to reach what its goals were and that it actually caused more more problems than resolving them. According to McDougal Littell’s The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century, “Nevertheless, the New Deal did not end the depression, and opposition grew among some part of the population.” If the New Deal wasn’t going to help end the depression then …show more content…

For example, the unemployment rate had decreased from when it had started in the beginning of the depression, but in the year 1940, it stayed at 13% and did not move because jobs were not provided to all the people who needed them (Mr. Kantor’s Website:The Impact of the New Deal). President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had created this program to help the economy and the people recover from the Great Depression. If jobs were not given to everyone who needed them then how did Roosevelt expect the unemployment rate to decrease to the percentage before the depression had occurred. In addition, many liberal critics had argued that the New Deal was not thorough with helping the poor and reforming the economic system of the nation (McDougal Littell 493). Critics are even saying how the New Deal is not improving the lives of Americans and the economy is just as terrible as it was before. President Roosevelt wanted an improved economy, but with this new program there is no big difference with the economy during the start of the Depression and during. President Roosevelt’s new program may had made a small improvement, but not big enough that the people of America were happy and able to live in the economy they live …show more content…

According to the article The Impact of the New Deal, the New Deal was not successful when it came the recovery of the economy, unemployment rates remained high instead of decreasing, and the government took too much control of the economy (Mr. Kantor’s Website:The Impact of the New Deal). This program was supposed to be helpful towards the recovery of America during the great disaster of the depression, but it did no such improvement. In addition, “...Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...I say after the eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as we had started...And an enormous debt to boot!’(Foundation for Economic Education).” Even the people who work for Roosevelt are saying how upsetting it is that the New Deal has not improved the issues of the Depression, but made them worse. The nation never had time to recover because the New Deal just made more problems that needed to be resolved. Roosevelt’s program was a waste of time of money that gave lost hope to the people who trusted him to make the nation a better place. The New Deal is a failed program that was meant to help the economy but only made it

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