Necessary Evil

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Being human means different things to different people. In one context, being human can be defined in biological and evolutionary terms. In another context, being human can mean having a defined set of emotions, feelings, and actions. People hold both of these contexts to be true. Does anyone ever wonder what it means to be inhumane? There are actions that human societies, regardless of culture, find to be unimaginable and inhumane. Actions, such as murder, are described as animal actions; leading to the conclusion that humans really view themselves differently than they actually are. In the 1990 film adaptation of William Golding's Lord of the Flies, human nature and the idea of what it is to be human is exposed. The characters, all of whom are boys under the age of 18, are forced to interact with each other as humans, not as members of a civilized society masked by cloudy views and actions. One character in particular, Jack, has the role that many people would find to be the `evil' character. The character most inhumane and unlike how civilized people should act. In rebuttal to that, Jack's role in the book and reflections of it in real life make his role in real life absolutely necessary and motivating to human society. After defining what Jack's role is, one will understand his techniques of dependency and fear to play on the fact that people are innately evil.

Jack's roles on the island are clearly defined into four groups: The Manipulator, The Warrior, The Pessimist, and later, The Leader. As the manipulator, Jack plays on the needs and desires of the other boys. Rightly so as he is also a boy of their age and knows firsthand what boys would want. Jack understands that the boys want to play more than work, so he finds an activity (hunting) that appeals to them. He understands they are hungry, so he makes the promise of meat. As the warrior, he provides for the boys the three things they want most: food, fun, and strength. The boys view hunting as something fun to do because of the way Jack approaches it. The boys get to dress up and hang out with each other all day. Jack takes on the leader position after this point. He is confident and people are naturally attracted to confidence. As the pessimist, Jack plays on the fears of the boys.

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