Natural Lottery Theory Essay

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The natural lottery is when ones endowments or gifts such as physical beauty or superior intelligence allow them to be rewarded based on their DNA. As the text mentions often people think that this is the right thing and it is proven throughout society. This is when questions of justice arrive because treating someone different based on their looks or intelligence is bias and allows us to question if their judgment is being impacted based on the natural lottery theory. As the text mentions two employees are up for promotion one has worked overtime and has taken no vacation while the other has never done more then he had to do. When deciding which one to promote it should be based on the work ethic and not the natural lottery of good looks or superior DNA. In this case it is clear that the first employee has noticeably worked for the promotion and deserves it regardless of his looks or DNA. If the company were to promote the second employee based on natural lottery it is proving that no justice is being served and proving …show more content…

This is another theory that is a reality in society as well. We often see that the people who are the most successful are those that are born into wealthy families, these individuals already have a future set up for themselves because of the success of their family. For example if a son were to take over a successful family business that was founded by his grandfather he would not be doing any extra work as the business would be handed down to him simply because of this DNA. This is an example of the social lottery and how being born into the right family in the right country with the right amount of money can lead to easy success. On the other hand an individual that was born into a less fortunate family would not get the advantage of the social lottery and would struggle

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