Impact of Columbian Exchange on Global Development

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columbian exchange a new era was sparked by the transition of the old world to the new world , affecting the economic , demographic , and social development of both worlds. During the exchange a vast variety of plants, animals , and diseases were being introduced to the natives and **** . With the arrival of columbus and company over to the new world the natives were introduced to horses, cows , pigs, oxen , etc. Before Columbus natives only had access to the dog , camel , guinea pig, and chicken These animals transformed the grassland of the new world, as they could be used for transportation, a new labor form, and a new food source. . Animals multiplied and were able to out last the Natives, because they weren’t affected by disease as much as humans were. The new world hd an abundance of new richs soil , and crops which those from the Old World took advantage . The trade between foods from the old world and new world changed the culture and economy of both worlds . Important crops included sugarcane , potatoes , and corn . These crops were in high demands , and needs people t cultivate them , leading to plantations for people to unwillingly work for no benefits to meet the demands of those who wanted these crops.Corn among these popular crops, was …show more content…

The settlers exploited and used the native americans , beyond the limit they should have . Without the Columbian Exchange , the world would be in a supremely different state then it is

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