Differences Between English And Native Americans

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The Native American peoples and the English settlers viewed each other differently, and these different interpretations shaped their perspectives on each other’s way of living. The English viewed Native Americans as a lesser because they did not abide to their religion. The differences that separated them were things such as religion, lifestyles, and political structure. Because of their cultural differences, the gender roles varied in each settlement. Also, since Native American’s viewed the English settlers as a source of trade and way of improving social status within their tribe, once their relationship with the settlers became violent the natives could not sustain a normal way of living. The clash of different cultures shaped one another …show more content…

From the very beginning the English wanted to convert the Native American’s to Christianity. English settlers were very towards them as they wanted to persuade the natives that this was the best choice for their tribe. For example, in Declaration of the State, Waterhouse explains that, “our God was a good God, much better than theirs, in that he had with so many good things above them endowed us”. Since the time they were born, the English were taught one way and this way was the religion of Christianity. It was their mission to carry out what they’ve been taught and to influence Natives that their God was the only one. At this point in time, the English were desperate and any amount of people to convert to Christianity would benefit the English. Unfamiliar with the land they lived on, they turned to the Natives for help in finding food and resources. Also, Native Americans had a more animalistic way of religion, believing in more than one god. This was a problem for the English colonists because Natives could not only rely on one god. William Strachey writes in the Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britania, “(I believe) the impression of the Divine nature, and however these have not porcion of the knowing blessed Christian spirit.” Colonists looked upon the Natives as savages because they do not know the Christian way. Another difference from Native Americans and Colonists was that Native Americans believed the land belonged to everyone in common and not individual private ownership as the colonists

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