Analysis Of White Lies By Natasha Trethewey

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Poetry is literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feeling and ideas, by the distinctive style and myth. It relies on different devices such as assonance, themes and even the tone to be successful. Even though many poems seems to be different, in some way they have similarities.
American poet Natasha Trethewey, used many of her own personal experiences while writing poetry. Her mother was an African American woman and her father was a Canadian emigrant. This means that Natasha was biracial. Her parents split when she was six years old. She would spend half of the year with her father, then the other half with her mother. By doing so she realized that being biracial was frowned upon. She quickly adjusted. While spending time with her father she completely adopted the “white” side of her. By doing so life was a lot easier for her and she was treated just …show more content…

Sad because the little girl has to lie about being African American. Some argue that the poem is not sad because she chooses to lie. However, in line line 14 the little girl says, “I could even keep quiet, quiet as kept, like the time a white girl said( squeezing my hand), Now we have three of us in this class” (Trethewey, 2000). This is sad because she is lying to protect herself from the cruelty of rejection, instead of embracing her heritage. If her white friend or the white community finds out who she really is, they will probably treat her worse than they do the blacks, because the little girl is biracial. In “the mother”, the tone at first is also sadness. The mother sounds like she is in deep regret about her decision to abort her children. However, by the author’s use of words such as “them” and “they”, it makes it clear that the mother has had multiple abortions. To some readers this is where sadness can turn into “hate”. While we understand it happening once, we can’t seem to wrap our heads around twice or even a third

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