Narrative: Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Stuffed With Potato

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Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Stuffed with Potato Chips and Cheese Doodles plus an Enormous Sneeze characterized my Fourth-Grade School Year. This trio of food, event, and place has marked my entire life. Many of us carry secrets from childhood. These memories color the world but moreover brand our character and behavior. In my opinion, these imprinting events impact the emotional and psychological development of a child and later adult. Life-altering imprinting events spare only but a few. I am among the countless who recall, for better or worse, a firmly etched event during adolescence. A Robin’s Brood It was a beautiful, sunny, and warm day in May. On the third floor of a late 19th, an early 20th-century building at the edge of New York City sat our school. Our classroom occupied a corner space of the long hallway. Bright windows ringed the room and let in the suburban cityscape. Together the rustle of trees and their birds, cars, and claxons, wafted into our academic refuge. I, like the rest of my classmates, hunched over the desk. Being under the tutelage of a stern Sister What’s Her Name, we diligently performed our nascent scholarly assignments. The entire building was …show more content…

That school year I consumed an innumerable quantity of Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Stuffed with Potato Chips and Cheese Doodles. This sandwich and its components satisfied the appetite centers of an introvert nine-year-old girl. First, the savory combination of the sweet and salty flavors. Second, the pleasing texture of lightly toasted bread. Third, peanut butter sticking to my palate and jelly softly lubricating were pleasurable. Lastly, finding delight in the extra crunch of potato chips and cheese doodles wedged in between. Together they mixed to give me what I believed was the pinnacle moment of my temporal existence. It was, until that

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