Narrative Essay On Six Flags

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White Water It was a Friday, and my first time at White Water. I had been to Six Flags many times in the past few years, as I had always been a pass holder, but this was different than Six Flags. Six Flags had roller coasters where I was strapped in and going 60+ mph. I loved the feeling of going on the rides, but this wasn’t Six Flags. This was a completely new place. I could feel the terror in my bones, but I also knew that I was excited to go on this new ride. A ride where it would just be me making sure I didn’t fall off. This was the second ride we were going on, and I could feel my nerves leaving me. I could smell the chlorine as we edge closer and closer to the ride. I turned and looked at my brother, Jacob, as he is the only one in our small group of four to have ever been to White Water. He assured is that the ride would be worth the line that we were currently standing in. As we get closer to the top I began to sense my nerves resurfacing. I could hear the screams of the kids that were already on the ride and I was excited since I knew it would be a lot of fun. As we wait for it to be our turn I take in my surroundings and notice for the first time just how beautiful the day really was. …show more content…

As we left the ride to go to the next one, I looked around once again and notice that nothing has changed. The birds were still chirping and the bees were still looking for a flower to pollinate. There were kids still laughing and having the time of their lives. My brother and my cousins were still talking and having a good day. Everything was the same except for me I had changed. I was no longer excited. I was completely and utterly terrified or even talking about going on a new ride. I silently prayed that it would rain and they would shut down the park, but I knew that was far-fetched with the sky as bright as it currently

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