Narrative Essay On Field Play

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“Man I can not believe that we made it to the World Series” said Marty to his team. “Now we have to practice like there is no tomorrow, so we all have our strength and no weakness” Marty yelled. The team went out of the dug out on to the field and began practice. This was the final practice before the big game of the World Series. It has been a long time since the Mets were in the World series, but they finally made it. Everybody on the Mets started out with their normal practice routine of stretching. However Marty did not stretch out his leg, because he is too excited about the whole world series thing. Marty carried on and started his practice. He stated with some field play and then batting. It was a pretty much normal practice over all. Next thing they did is running drills through each base at a time when the ball is hit. When Marty was up he ran to first, but when he ran he tripped while running to second base. His leg went straight into the base. That is when every went from being a normal practice to becoming a night in the doctor's room. …show more content…

His wife came out and his two sons came out to see how Marty was doing. He is just in pain and going through the emotions, because he can not play in the world series tomorrow. Marty knows is that you can not dwell on something and that your need to move on, because then your miss out on things like family. So Marty is trying to think that it will heal and move on and just let it heal and he know he will play again soon. Later on he went home and it is 5 o’clock and his kids want to play wiffle ball, but he can't because of his injury. Marty is also not in the mood of doing anything, because of his injury. Marty just want to go to bed and put ice on the hamstring. So Marty slept with a bag of ice on his leg and went to bed. Marty just said to himself “ Maybe I can play tomorrow's game if a miracle could happen over night, hey maybe there will

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