Naive Realism

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Many people might wonder why or how do we see the world the way we do? how do we perceive the world around us? There are two radicle views we could have on this topic, one is that we really seeing the world as it is out there and another is that we have direct contact with the outside world around us and we perceive it perfectly without any errors at all. People have many different ideas and opinions on this topic but for me, I think that we do perceive the world exactly the way it really is. Naive Realism View is the perceptive on how we perceive the world and that we are in completely accurate contact with reality. You brain or senses, don’t trick you in any way. Yes, there are some issues and problems with this view. For example, mental …show more content…

Their sensory systems are adaptive to do the things they need to do in order for them to survive and reproduce. Different animals perceive different kinds of sensation, visions, or hearings. Some species don’t perceive color at all by only seeing black and white. Birds have about four different type of cones in their eyes but humans only have three. This allows them to see the world in completely different perspectives. There are the existence of illusion across all of our senses. It usually tricks our mind and sometimes we can trust what we are really sensing. We are not always in complete contact of what we are seeing or perceiving. For example, we sometimes see that the moon has gotten bigger when it comes down form the horizon but we know that it did’t actually get bigger, it was just our senses trying to trick us. Illusion exists across all of our senses. We have illusions of touch, smell, taste and hearing. They give us clues oh how our brain is processing the environment around us and how we creating a phycological reality. This is how our mind puts together our perception of the world. Our minds our often trick by certain things. We don’t always see things the world a hundred percent accurately. This explains why we don’t perceive the world perfectly without any

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