My Wonder Woman

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The glamorous lifestyle of a movie star is an aspiration of thousands of young actors and actresses, only for women it isn’t equally as glamorous. “Very similar to the prison system in this country, where over the years we've put Band-Aids on something that needs surgery, in the film industry, we've often done cosmetic changes to something that needs structural reconstruction.”(Hollywood Reporter, oscars gender divide) The Film Industry is a divided workforce that only cares about equality when the cameras shine on it. Performing arts regardless of the progress it has made over the years still falls victim to gender inequality and an actor's gender should not reflect how good their performance is or their filmmaking ability. In the film …show more content…

“When I'm asked if I feel additional pressure because I'm a filmmaker who is female, I say that I think it's important, but there's really nothing you can do about it.”(Patty Jenkins, My wonder woman 2017; vulnerable not lesser.) Patty Jenkins director of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie has received harsh criticisms on her film before her movie has been released. “It's been incredible to make something about a superhero that stands for a message of fighting for a loving, thoughtful government, especially in this current climate.”(Patty Jenkins, My wonder woman 2017; vulnerable not lesser.) Patty jenkins latest project on female empowerment with a lead female director and actress shows that some studios can make a step forward, DC entertainment has already put together such a diverse cast and crew together and regardless of some bad reviews, it still manages to bring a more diverse group of men and …show more content…

“Lack of parity for women--behind the camera, in the front office, on the payroll--long has been one of Hollywood's most intractable obstacles.”(Hollywood Reporter, This is bigger than the bullshit) Even though there is an opportunity for women in hollywood now, the window is still ridiculously small. "Can we do basically what men have been doing in the system, which is, you're a young filmmaker, somebody gives you a movie beyond your capacity and you learn on the job?" says director Kimberly Peirce. "That never happens to women, who are not chosen above their experience level."(Hollywood Reporter, This is bigger than the bullshit) Studios make the mistake of hiring men who are underqualified for a specific job, of course everyone has their own vision, but for some reason women have little chance of having their vision

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