My Personal Exercise Plan

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My Personal Exercise Plan

The sport I will be training for is Golf.

Specific fitness requirements of that activity

Upper and lower body strength: To be able to resist the force of the

golf club and to be able to hit the ball further

Power: To be able to increase length to my shots allowing me to hit

the ball further with more control

Flexibility: To be able to complete a trunk rotation whenever needed

and to turn completely to make a follow though so that the body can

then clear the way for the club, also allows straighter and more

accurate shots.

Balance: To be able to hold the golf swing and follow-through posture

for the amount of time needed for the ball to come to rest, vital

skill but I appreciate the fact that this is very hard to improve.

Co-ordination: To be able to focus on the ball and to get the head of

the golf club on plane and to hit the ball in a striking area, which

is different for all golfers depending on their ability, this is a

vital skill but I also appreciate the fact that this skill is also

very hard to improve.

Muscular Endurance: To be able to last the amount of holes needed to

be played.

Identify your individual needs

My individual needs are to be able to complete the sport in a way that

betters my handicap to do this I will need to improve:

· My upper and abdominal muscle strength as the test data shows that

the strength in the muscle could be improved and therefore help my


· My cardiovascular endurance as the test data shows that this could

be improved but only slightly, I am happy with my bleep test results,

as I have proved that I am fit for my sport. B...

... middle of paper ...

...xibility training


Involves 15 minutes of stretching out muscles like the back

(Latissimus dorsi), neck (Trapizius), upper and lower arms (Triceps,

Biceps and the Forearm) including the shoulder (Deltoid) plus all the

lower body like the legs (Gluteus maximus, Quadriceps, Hamstrings and

the Gastronimius).

Balance training


Involves swinging a weighted golf club whilst standing on two bricks

for 20minutes in sets of 10 swings, with interval rest periods of 30


Swing tuning + Forearm work



Involves 2 sets of 50 swings continuously to finely tune the swing.

The forearm work consists of using a stress ball to strengthen

forearm. 30 squeezes per work out and whilst squeezing must hold for 5


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