My Likes and Dislikes of Athenian Education

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My Likes and Dislikes of Athenian Education

In this assignment I am going to be discussing what I would like and

dislike about Athenian education. Firstly I am going to discuss an

Athenian girls education because there is quite little of it.

Girls didn't go to school, they stayed at home with their mothers so

they never learnt how to read or write. At home they would learn how

to run the household and keep everything tidy. They would be taught

how to do the cooking, spinning, weaving and supervision of the

slaves. Personally I am not a girl but I still think that this is

unfair and have an aversion to this because women should have equal

rights as men like we have now, if they did go to school then the work

load would be shared between men and women, furthermore women could go

out and earn a living instead of having to live off of their husbands.

Education for boys started at the age of about six or seven years old

which is the equivalent of the age that we start primary school at the

present. I wouldn't like to start school at this age because if you

start school at a younger age or at three like we do now, you get used

to school and learn the basics a little bit earlier so you are just

that little bit more mature.

Although most boys went to school, it was not compulsory, and fathers

had to pay for the education. Nearly every Athenian father sent their

son to school and would pay for them for as long as they could, but

for some poor families their sons couldn't finish their whole

education. Again I dislike this too because not everyone could afford

an education, they should have had schools that gave a much higher

standard of teaching for boys whose fathers were very wealthy that you

had to pay for and schools for boys whose fathers were middle class

and below that you didn't have to pay for. Unauthorised persons were

banned from school property in school hours, so that pupils might be

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