My Hobbies - Original Writing

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My Hobbies - Original Writing

My first artefact is a guitar. I feel that the guitar represents one

of my extra-curricular studies, as I take private lessons once a

week. I have been taking these lessons for just under a year now and

I really enjoy playing the instrument and practice all the time.

Since I was very young, three years old, I have almost always played

an instrument. I have a long list, including: violin, piano, trumpet,

trombone, oboe, alto saxophone, and my most recent, guitar. The

guitar is significant to me because it is my expression of myself

through music. I have been involved in music ever since I was three

and I feel that it represents a big part of me because I have grown up

with it. I think that it is also important that I play an instrument

so that I keep my music skills high. I believe that music keeps my

mind thinking and going and in a way it is almost like learning, made

fun. I like to think of it as self-motivated learning and music is

one of my only hobbies that I enjoy learning, practicing, and teaching


Three transferable skills that I think apply to my passion for music

are: creativity, listening, and learning skills. I believe that

creativity is a transferable skill that I have from playing the guitar

because having the guitar gives you the ability to experiment and try

new things and see how they will sound. With the guitar you can get

creative and change up the rhythm, notes or chords to a song, and

eventually when you build that creative skill enough, you can create

your own songs. Especially when you create your own songs, you have

to use your imagination to think about which part or which way will

sound better. Having this creative skill, I can apply it to the

workplace by being an idea person, I can think of new ways to get the

job done, create a positive work environment, and increase my

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