My Hero's Journey

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In The Big City of New York, when the Empire State was Orange, White, and Green a boy was born. The date was Wednesday, August 15, 2014, as known as, Shrey Patel’s birthday and also Indian Independence Day. The things I cared about all after the moment my eyes opened was to explore the world. I always cared about family, traveling, and sports. In my life, my family played a big role of it. My life started in New York followed by Alabama then last of all the Beautiful State of Florida⛅. My family and I had lots of fun on the drive to Florida. We stopped from rest stop to rest stop. I landed in the city of Palm City⛅. I always loved my dad except when it came around time for school. School was very exigent to my dad. He expected all A’s and if I understood what I learned that day in school. My mom on the other hand believed all of the school rules, like make your kid sleep on time …show more content…

When we first moved to Florida, we used to love Disney. Without having season passes, we practically went to Disney every other weekend. After Disney, we started to go on cruises; our first cruise was a Carnival Cruise to The Bahamas. It was loaded with fun stuff and activities. On that cruise I ate a lot of frozen yogurt. My Dad and I, would eat fro-yo at night and then climb up and down the stairs to burn the calories off. My family and I go on a lot of land vacations. Just currently went to Amelia Island, where we stated at this ravishing resort called Omni Resort. The view of the beach and the turquoise water was magnificent. My Family and I go to NYC a lot. I have a lot of family in that expanse. My first big land vacation was to the state of California, “Home of the Grizzly Bears”. It was burdened with fun. On this trip we went to Los Angeles. We went around Venice and Malibu, drove around Hollywood, and shopped with style on Rodeo Drive. We also visited the San Diego terraces and zoo. My clan and I have a lot of fun traveling together, but never

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