My Greatest Accomplishments

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I define success as not only what I excel in, but the obstacles that I must overcome in the areas of my life where I do not excel as naturally. I tend to approach everything in life with an open mind and a plan of attack. I am a perfectionist by nature and have a need to conquer what is thrown at me. That mentality has carried me through subjects despite struggling in my mathematics courses. I have taken advanced mathematics courses since I tested out of sixth grade math and took the seventh grade course during my first year of middle school. I tested out of eighth grade math (pre-algebra) and took Honors Algebra I in the seventh grade. Since then, I have been two years ahead in math and two years ahead in struggle. Although test scores showed …show more content…

My teacher established a proof based curriculum and all year I was forced to memorize theorems and postulates. To this day, I refer to Geometry to the Dante’s Inferno of mathematics. Honors Algebra II almost painted a similar story and on the first day of freshman year, my teacher promised that my year in math would prove to be Dante’s Inferno 2.0. Fortunately, he showed up the next day, laughing and asking how many of us had had the bejeezus scared out of them and had gone home crying, begging their parents to get them out of the class. Those were his exact words and I don’t think I had ever seen a bigger, more cynical, satisfied, smile on anyone’s face. In that that moment, I knew that I was going to enjoy math for the first time in two …show more content…

To my surprise, by the end of the year I would receive advanced test scores on my end-of-instruction exams. However, I wanted to understand math as I was learning it. The sink or swim cycle that math had decided to take with me had left me exhausted and I longed to stay afloat for longer than one or two lessons. With Mr. Frank, my Algebra II teacher, I found myself asking questions—something I had been too scared to do in any of my previous math classes—and I would come in before school to ask for help on homework, quizzes, and tests. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I was able to keep my head above water and I felt like I could jump off the diving board into a pool of numbers. I still ended up with a B in the class, but achieved almost a perfect score on my end-of-instruction exam at the end of the

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