My Freshman Year

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My freshman year was suppossed to be my year, the year I was finally going

to be in "Highschool".It was considered the most important year in my life, that I could've

only dreamed about. You see,from the fifth to eighth grade i attended homeschool and

smaller schools. Highschool was going to be big!I thought I was finally going to be

considered a young adult.This very year 2012 would be the hardest year of my life.

I remeber this year like the back of my hand. My bestfriends were Jatereus,

Leneice, Denise, and J'Quaylon. Most of the time, Leneice would not hang with the

four of us, but always me by myself. The other four of us created our own little group,

"The Box", since we had known eachother for the longest. Leneice on the other hand

never had many friends. Most girls did not like her, because their boyfriends did, and she

liked them too. Through it all I was still her friend. Leneice and I were like sisters, we

went to the movies stayed over eachothers house, went shopping, everything. We even

dressed alike and said we were twins, even though we look nothing alike. We soon

became inseprable. Conveinently, her mother was my daddy's secretary which made

us even closer. Soon, things began to spin out of control. I remebering saying to

Leneice, "Our moms are really good friends", and her making a face like she had

something to tell me. Common sense wasn't my very strong trait. When things first

started to change, it was around time for my parents vowel renewel, they would have

been married ten years.My dad began staying at the "office" later and later. It began to

be I"m busy or I'm Tired, when we wanted to do something. Promises began to

become unkept, our bond began to break. Not only was my dad a stock broker, he was also a youthpastor at our church. Soon, the secret was out. I knew in my heart what the

secret was, but my fear made me hold it in. Whoever told you "Your bestfriend can be

Your worse enemy" was right. I felt like a fool, this girl had known my deepest secrets

she stayed at my house, she ate our food, but she kept one thing from me. She never

told me our parents were having an afair.

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