Music Life

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The music in my life has shaped my character, and influenced many of my inner thoughts and actions. My life has always revolved around music; my parents bought me my first and only tape player at five, and by the time I was in third grade I had my first and only CD player, then came my little blue mp3 player, after that, my little pink IPod came along and completely enhanced my library’s song selection. By the time my preteens came along YouTube existed and assisted in my adventure into the world of music and lyrics, and I would spend excessive amounts of time on the computer searching for new songs that caught my ear. I believe that music is a necessity in life; it brings unity in cultures and helps individuals express their inner beliefs and thoughts. Music is self-expression, and without it humans would never feel the self-empowerment that comes from a glorious tune and the beating of guitar strings. When we are young we do not always have a choice on what we listen to. Our parents or guardians will always have a favorable genre of music and that is what we are exposed to at a ...

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