Musee Des Beaux Arts

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Name Prof Subject Date An Analysis of W.H. Auden’s “Musee des Beaux Arts” Walking on one’s daily route to work one day you hear the sounds of a struggle nearby, craning one’s head over a fence you see a man getting mugged for his belongings. Would one call the police or go about one’s day? At work that day one notices that a coworker has been sobbing in the bathroom all day on and off. Does one try to talk to him, try and see what's bothering him, or does one decide that it's none of your business and continue your day as if one had never noticed his suffering in the first place. Is this phenomenon not uniquely prescribed to the human condition though? It seems that even a pack of animals would aid in their fellow creatures plight yet humans routinely choose to be apathetic to one another's suffering. It is this that WH Auden tries to capture and express in his poem “Musee des Beaux Arts” Auden has realized humanity’s apathetic nature towards fellow man's suffering for seemingly no reason and has chosen to convey to his readers his message regarding this gross indifference. …show more content…

He has been inspired by the paintings of “The old Masters” in the museum around him and he remarks on how accurately they understood human nature. In the works of art around him Auden observes how in each suffering is ignored by the people within, they walk “dully along” and the children play freely, seemingly ignorant of the suffering of others. In the second stanza Auden references a painting in the museum specifically, Pieter Brueghel's “The Fall of Icarus”. In the myth of Icarus while escaping Daedalus’ labyrinth with wax wings Icarus flies too close to the sun and melts his wings, promptly plummeting to his demise in the sea below and in Brueghel’s painting one can observe a prime example of indifference towards others suffering as every subject in the painting ignores the plight of

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