Mr Dolphus Raymond Monologue

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Mr. Dolphus Raymond had a notorious reputation all across Maycomb County due to his controversial lifestyle. He was a wealthy white man who chooses to live his life with his Negro mistress and their children. Not to mention, Raymond spent most of his days sipping a whiskey hidden inside a paper bag. The truth is that he pretends to be drunk so that the townspeople will have an acceptable explanation for behavior and the drink in the paper bag is in fact Coke-Cola. Raymond was simply jaded by the hypocrisy of the white society in Maycomb and was more comfortable living around colored folk. I should know because Mr. Dolphus Raymond is my father. Being born of a Negro woman and a white man forced me to live between two worlds that don't accept …show more content…

The streets were buzzing with cars and the sidewalks were filled with people walking at an excessive speed. Outside the courthouse, everyone was just lingering about silently expect a group of older women dressed in light colored dresses with petticoats who were muttering to themselves. Whites stood on the left side and colored folk on the other. Everyone stood tall and stiff and no one dared to look at the other side. I could feel the tension getting so tense between the opposing sides that the air felt as if it was getting heavier. Then the doors of the courthouse opened. Only whites were allowed to sit on the first floor so that meant that the rest of us colored folk were forced to wait till they settle down and find a seat upstairs on the balcony. It wouldn't be such a big dilemma if the balcony didn't have such few number of seats and reeked of rotten …show more content…

Throughout the entire trial, Atticus revealed that the Ewells were attempting to hide the fact that Mayella Ewell attempted to seduce Tom. Her father Bob Ewell then proceeded to beat her. The only way to cover up their shames was by accusing Tom Robinson of rape and perjuring against him in court. There was no possible way that Tom could have beaten Mayella on her right side because Tom has a paralyzed right arm and was right-handed. Bob Ewell, on the other hand, was left-handed with a short fuse. In my personal opinion, Mayella Ewell just lives a lonely and miserable life who broke a social taboo by trying to seduce Tom and reacted like a coward by accusing him of rape and taking that poor man to court. Knowing damn well the court will believe a white man's words over a black man. Bob Ewell on the other hand is Old Nick reincarnated. He is an ignorant old man filled with pure evil and spends most of his time drinking paid off by relief checks. Nothing good will ever come from a

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