Mr. Clarkson's House: A Narrative Fiction

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“I doubt you were talking about Nana,” Sam looked down at her with a smirk as they passed through the trees and into the yard of Mr. Clarkson’s house. The house was still as dark and quiet, it almost looked menacing. It was as if the house had absorbed its owners presence, because the building itself was very attractive. There was ivy growing up the side of the stone, the colors of green, yellow, and red in the leaves as it succumbed to the coming winter. “So, you and my brother?” Sam said after a few moments, low enough so the rest of the group couldn’t hear him. “We are talking about your relationship, not mine.” Rachel felt his eyes on her and the heat rose to her face quickly. She looked at the house instead of him, but she knew that he could see her blush. …show more content…

He liked Rachel, he did, and he liked teasing her, but there was a serious note to his questioning. While he wanted Dean to be happy, Dean deserved to be happy, he wanted to see where everyone’s head was at. He didn’t want Dean to hurt Rachel, either emotionally or physically because of his work, but he also didn’t want Rachel to get into something she didn’t understand. “Are you your brother’s keeper?” Rachel asked trying to deflect the question. “Yes,” Sam replied simply. “Sammy, did you bring your lock picks?” Dean called back before Rachel could answer. Sam gave her a look, letting her know that he knew she had been saved by his brother once again. “Yeah, I grabbed it from the Impala when we headed out to check for knives,” Sam called back. “Good, because I don’t think all of us want to try and crawl through the window,” Dean disappeared around the side of the

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