Movimientos Que Traiciona By Gloria Anzaluda

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The central claim in “Movimientos de Rebeldia y Las Culturas que Traicionan” made by Gloria Anzaluda is culture is created by men and women have three options which are: to become a nun, housewife, or a prostitue. The next option is education and becoming self-sufficient. With doing this, it violates cultural norms, which results in the society get rid of the deviants. In this chapter, she discuss her life growing up in Rio Grande Valley with her family. She explains that she had to leave her family, culture, and life behind because she wanted to live the life she always wanted. Her culture could not accept who she really were, which was a lesbian. She needed to find herself according to Anzaluda. One of the points, Anzaluda made was culture …show more content…

In other words, men makes the rules while the females implement them. She gives an example where the mother and mothers-in-law tell their son that its okay to beat their wives if they disobey. Also, expecting their husband to help them with any of their daily duties as housewives. This is not necessary true for all cultures. In fact, Anzaluda contradicts herself with her statement on the Mexican and Chicano cultures. In her next chapter in Borderlands: La Frontera, Anzaluda explains the Chicano’s culture and how there was a goddesses that had strong feminine energy. All of their tribal leaders were female. Furthermore, Anzaluada explains that western and male dominant changed the perspective of the female goddess as evil and seductive to males (Anzaluda, 2012). Here are cultural where gender are neutral and everyone shares responsibilities. Many Central Americans fled the poverty and oppression in their countries to seek a more secure and better life in a new place. As one person settled in the new location and saved enough money, he or she would help family members to migrate. Because of the informal and extended family networks that are part of the Central American culture, natural support systems develop to assist new arrivals. In every ethnic or cultural group there are different individuals who are regarded as leaders by members of the group. Every leader has a place and a role in his or her community. Leaders can be categorized by type, by issue, by rank, by place, by age, and so on. In Chinese communities, the leader is typically the head of the family. If family refers to a grandfather, father, mother, sons and daughters, and grandchildren, then the leader is the grandfather. If family refers to the congregation of a church, the leader is the pastor. If family refers to a clan, the leader is the President of the clan's association. In African American

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