Movie Vs High Noon Essay

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Tthe amazing story the most dangerous game and the movie high noon show messages, differnces and similarities between the stories high noon. And the most dangourous game show to never give up and at the end everyone is going high noon shows how the Kane had to fight himself to his everyone cheers at the end everyone is going to be alone no one is going to help you when you actually need the help of them Kane and rainsford had a similar situation I Kane had to kill Miller a person who he had once sent to jail for a murder and when. He asked his friends they refused and rather than helping and encouraging him they told him to run from the situation rainsford didn't exactly have the same problem but it's problem was a little similar he had ended up on an island and was going to be everyone is taught to not give up when they are in trouble and face the situation bravely sometimes someone might be brace and face the situation while someone is too weak to face the problem something like this message so protrywed to the story the most dangourous game and the movie high noon both stories had problems but they didn't give up and faced the priblem no matter how hard it was to face it they both had peoblems where it hard but they didn't give up they both had plenty of similarities but both of heir stories showed them not giving …show more content…

which also showed isolation and how everyone was hiding because they were scared the most dangerous game showed isolation as well when he got there there was only one person and him there no one else was there "it was a forest " ( 232

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