Movie Passengers Essay Questions

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It's forlorn out in space for Jim Preston played by Chris Pratt in the romantic, action, and science-fiction film “Passengers”. In “Passengers” Jim is in a hibernation unit on the spaceship Avalon. He is a carpenter headed from Earth to help colonize a planet called Homestead II. A meteor shower hits the spaceship which causes it to experience malfunctions. The damage to the ship causes Jim’s hibernation unit to open which leaves Jim awake and confused in a ship filled with hibernating passengers and staff. Jim has been in hibernation for 30 years and has 89 years before he reaches Homestead II. An android barkeeper named Arthur, played by Michael Sheen, and drinking heavily are the only thing keeping him from going insane. After a year on the spaceship by himself he starts to grow interest in one sleeping passenger named Aurora Lane. Aurora is an author traveling to Homestead II in order to write a story and travel back. The 119 year journey to Homestead II and 119 year …show more content…

We also explore Aurora’s feelings in a voice over. The film defiantly takes several turns from first being the self-centered feelings of one person to the sadness of the lose of life of another person to the thrill of watching them battle the ship as it seems to slowly implode. This move is filled with cliffhanger after cliffhanger after cliffhanger. The acting in “Passengers” was powerful. The emotion felt by both Pratt and Lawrence was captivating. The viewer really felt for Aurora as she finds out that she lost her life due to the greed of a man that she loves. Pratt even used his wit to allow for areas of silliness amongst a deep and exciting move. When he jabs at the airline industry because he has been eating the cheap food for a year because that was all he could afford the viewer felt a bit of his silly nature playing out well on

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