Morrison's The Beloved By Alice Walker And Toni Morrison

629 Words2 Pages

Raj Lavadi
Mr. Condron
English IV H
29 April 2014
The Beloved Book
It is very evident that genders dictate the standing of people all around the world. This statement more often concerns women's roles. By adding the aspect of color to this situation makes everything much more restricted, making it very difficult to live in any community. These women are isolated from society. The worst of their hardships include having to tolerate the violence and racist behaviors of both white men and women. A colored woman not only has to face a harsh and racist society, but also the abuse from black men. This topic is very obvious as a main component utilized by both contemporary writers Alice Walker and Toni Morrison. Both these authors aim to portray the experiences of black women in their novels. In Walker's The Color Purple (along with its screen adaptation, directed by Steven Spielberg [1985], the main character, Celie, is required to take care of her family after the death of her mother. In Morrison's Beloved, the main character, Sethe, describes her life when she meets a ghost that turns out to be her child that she killed in order to save her from slavery. Both works discuss the power of the community, the graphics of violence and rape, and most of all the equality of men and women. Although these topics were discussed in depth in both works, the description of the acts in Beloved proved the cliché 'a picture is worth a thousand words' wrong.
In the end of Beloved, the women of Sethe's community stand together to push away the evil spirit of Beloved. Everyone in the community forgets their negative opinions towards Sethe and works together to save her. This event is an analogy to slavery. Since the exorcism is an act of the community...

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...age. Morrison's language even made situations where the reader could smile at the simplicity of the situation. This is a valuable point that the movie fails to make with this type of medium. Overall, it is important to know that Beloved will always make a stronger point than The Color Purple because of the circumstances of the main characters. In Beloved, Sethe was going through a realization of who this Beloved character was while in The Color Purple Celie was being abused by her husband all the while missing out on interacting with her sister. Adding a supernatural force that symbolizes so many things puts the book ahead of the movie. Although the types of work differ both of them carry the same moral. The position that black women were in the past should not be repeated. Both these works have once again reinforced the topic of equality within race and gender.

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