Monsters In The Odyssey

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Monsters are too often overlooked as frivolous and a sign of weakness; a blemish in character, however, the true value of monsters and villains lies not with the monsters themselves but with the shift in values they invoke on a man’s identity as he copes with them. French poet Victor Hugo, a fan of monsters wrote “Adversity makes men and prosperity makes monsters”(Victor Hugo). The exteriorization of monsters and villains in literature, the Heroes Journey in particular, serves to challenge a man to become a better person; these monsters may take everything that matters to the man but, if at the end of the day he still stands, the monsters have fulfilled their purpose and have turned a man into hero. In The Odyssey and in the E:60 film about …show more content…

And if some god batters me far out on the wine-blue water, I will endure it, keeping a stubborn spirit inside me, for already I have suffered much and done much hard work on the waves and in the fighting. So let this adventure follow." (5.219-224). This quotes shows Odysseus’s acceptance of his fate and embodies his characters strength to persevere. At this point in the story he had overcome his inner demons and had too face the exterior monsters that stood in the way of him returning to Ithaca. Victor Hugo said it best “Perseverance is the secret to all triumphs”. For Odysseus persevering was everything, he had to preserve through the storm, he had to absorb repeated blows and he never gave up. For Heath White, acceptance of his daughter and conquest of his own monsters came in stages. The first stage, overcoming his obsession with perfection and fear of its counterpart came when his daughter, Paisley was two months old. Heath described the moment best “The turning point…I had her down and I tickled her and she laughed an giggled at me… and her laughing and smiling and reacting with me…thats when I realized she’s just like any other kid and she's my kid” (E:60: “Perfect”). Accepting that his daughter was perfect in he own beautiful way, …show more content…

He had conquered his own demons and triumphed over countless monsters, angry gods and spiteful beings. By all accounts Odysseus is a hero. He made it through the Heroes Journey, even at the darkest hour with everything taken from him by the various monsters and villains that sought to test him, he did not falter. When Zeus destroyed Odysseus’s ship and took the lives of all his sailors it seemed as if Helios’s daughter’s prediction had come true and it had; except Odysseus was no broken man, he was a hero. Telling his story Odysseus described how Zeus tore the ship apart in a raging storm and said “I plunged with my hands and feet flailing, crashing into the waves beside those great beams and scrambling aboard them fast…I rowed hard with my hands right through the straights…I drifted along for nine days. On the tenth, at night, the gods cast me up to Ogygia, Calypso’s island” (12.478-485). Alone for nine days Odysseus remained determined, hopeful that would live to return to Ithaca. The monsters Odysseus faced on his ten year journey led him to become a changed man, one with a deep respect for hardship and an ability to persevere unlike any other. Heath White’s story and the story of his daughter Paisley is not over. The film concludes with Heath and Paisleys last race together but doesn't end there. Heath expressed his concerns about Paisleys future saying “My fear is one day someone

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