Monopoly Essay

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2. Provide an example of a government-created monopoly. Is it a bad public policy? Why?
In many cases, the emergence of monopolies linked to the provision by the government to an individual or company exclusive rights to sell the goods (tobacco, salt, etc.).
A classic example of a monopoly that arises due to the possession of a resource, such as a diamond company.
The power of a government-created monopoly over the market depends on the existence of close substitute products. If people view emeralds, rubies and sapphires as quite worthy substitutes diamonds over the market power of a relatively limited. In this case, any attempt to achieve increase of diamond prices will lead to the fact that consumers will switch to the acquisition of other precious stones. But if people believe that these stones are considerably inferior diamonds, the company is able to significantly affect the market price of the latter.
Sometimes the appearance of such a monopoly becomes the result of political influence.
Example of monopoly in the service of the public interest is patent and copyright. If the pharmaceutical company opens a new drug, it may apply to the relevant government authorities for obtaining a patent. If they find a new drug is really original, issued a patent granting the developer the exclusive right to produce and sell the drug. Similarly, when a writer finishes a new work, he can register the copyright (government guarantee) that no one else has the right to publish and sell a book without permission of the author. Copyright makes writer to the sale his book.

3. What is the prisoners’ dilemma and how does it relate to oligopoly?
Analysis of profit oligopoly identical as monopoly profits: in the short term it can get positive, zer...

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... negative externalities you face on campus.
First positive externality I face on campus is staying inside because everything that I need for studying is near: faculty, library, pavilion. It does not take a lot of time to get from my college to faculty or library.
Second positive externality is that almost all my friends currently staying inside the campus. So, we can easily meet up for dinner or discuss group assignments. It is also very nice when we meet each other near collage so often.
Third positive externality is that I don’t spend money for fuel if I had a car. But there is no need for a car since everything is near.
First negative externality on campus is scheduling of bus because it never comes on time. Students have to wait for bus in hot weather or they even can come late because of it.
Second negative externality is food.
Third negative externality is

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