Mongols Dbq

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Mongols DBQ

The Mongols: How Barbaric were the “Barbarians”?

A small tribe form the grasslands of central asia conquered much of the known world during the 13 century. The barbarians would reinforce their military duties and their political and economic developments which brought them down as well as helping them rise into power by dominating many parts of the world.

Barbarian military duties really where powerful and has a lot of impact in position. They operated with horses and sometimes using giant siege weapons.All men over the age of fourteen were expected to undertake military duties but the physicians and undertakers and priest were exempt. Furthermore,the mongols had to make many sacrifices and risk such as leaving their flocks behind, get on a horse and travel to wherever their unit happened to be based and their wives and children were expected to follow. Also, soldiers were never unprepared for traveling and to fight, soldiers were equipped with clothing , cooking instruments , dried meat , water bottles , files for sharpening arrow and much more. As could be seen, the barbarians were very advanced in a way that it really contributed and made the military duties faster such as their saddle bags where made out of cow stomachs …show more content…

Over the ten men should be placed one, named of the captain of a hundred , at the head of the ten captain of a hundred is placed a soldier know as a captain of a thousands. Two or there cheifs are in command of the whole army yet in such a .way that one holds the supreme command.This organization and discipline had the barbarians had really showed the other tribes and clangs the military power they had and how advanced they

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