Module 1: Understanding My Learning Style

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Module 1- Understanding your learning style

My learning style is primarily kinesthetic, but I have some elements of visual and auditory learning styles. I always knew that I had a short attention span and could be very fidgety. I also knew that I needed breaks when I studied, but I have to disagree that I am not a slow talker. I am a very fast talker and will interrupt you, unintentionally. Before I looked into this I never realized that I would fidget, but looking back in the past I saw that I did fidget a lot. Kinesthetic learners like to learn with a hands on approach, I personally have to learn with real world examples and have it written down. If kinesthetic learners get oral instructions, they are most likely going to not hear them or forget them. I can relate to this, I need to have a physical copy of instructions otherwise I won’t remember them. …show more content…

I’ve tried note cards and memory games, I’ve tried reading a word or phrase over and over again. None of them worked. There has been one thing that truly helped me remember things for tests, I had to write the word over and over at least five times. I would highly recommend that you try this if nothing else does. While you’re taking notes I would recommend that you right in the examples with the notes, they will help you in the long run because I guarantee you won’t remember their practical use unless you’re using it constantly. It has been said that my learning style is recommended to use charts and graphs to study too, I personally can’t use charts and graphs mostly because I can’t draw them that quickly. If you’re like me while studying, then you should listen to music and take breaks every once and

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