Modes Of Transition Essay

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Essay Assignment #1

Mankind has been a turbulent and continuously changing being. We constantly change how we interact with each other, how we talk, listen and even physically mingle with another member of our species. Our governments are the perfect example of how we change throughout the years. Some governments are a product of their time; others are forced into power or even accidently created without people realizing what they created. The Modes of Transitions are an excellent example of the ever changing landscape of governments. They can change governments and make them sway in a more democratic or authoritative rule. The methods that make the transitions happen in the first place are different from each other and show humanity’s desire …show more content…

Schmitter categorizes the Mode of Transition as what types of democracies will be formed and if they will be consolidated. Just because a democracy is formed doesn’t exactly mean it will be consolidated or in other words become stable. The article states “Politics undergoing regime change from autocracy do so by a variety of means; these can be specified and clustered into a limited number of ‘Modes of Transitions’; these modes, to a significant extent, determine which ‘types of democracy’ will emerge; whether or not they will be consolidated” (3). As stated in the quote the Modes of Transition have a huge impact on the outcome of the country. It is also very accurate that just because a democracy is formed doesn’t mean it will last very long. Even trickier is some countries that say they have freedom and give their citizens the right to vote might not actually be true, like The People’s Republic of China. The main country in Latin America that had democratic sounding name is The Republic of Cuba. Hopefully most people know that Cuba is not a democratic nation. However, they have been taking some steps to becoming a more democratic nation. Cuba was the example of a country’s people rising up against the President and establishing a dictator. Just because a country is having a rebellion does not mean they will be democratic and not every so called democracy is truly a government chosen by its

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