Missouri Compromise And The Compromise Of 1850

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In the mid 1800’s, the topic of slavery became the reason for many debates and compromises, such as the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. Arguments on whether slavery should go into the territories, or even be allowed in the country, kept coming. This issue was getting larger and larger, arguably the biggest of then and now. No matter what could have happened, though, a war was more than likely going to arise between the states. In the midst of all this trouble, the South was not open to Northern efforts to save the Union. The South already had plans for the possible and eventual election of Abraham Lincoln. If (and when) he won, it would be their duty to secede, South Carolina’s governor told other southern governors. The South, where Lincoln did not win a single state, believed the President and Congress were now set against their beliefs, especially slavery. They barely gave Lincoln a chance to see what he would do as president. South Carolina …show more content…

It is fairly obvious that, to agree to get rid of slavery, the South would have asked for as many things that could’ve popped up in their minds, and that there wasn’t a possibility that the North would give the South nearly what they wanted. The South left the Union due to the fact they wouldn’t have power in Congress and from the President. The South thought that slavery would get abolished because of this northern-heavy Congress and Republican President. This absolutely shows that the southerners were not close to even thinking that they should let their slaves free. The only way slavery would have been abolished would be from a war. The South would have to lose and surrender themselves, and slavery, to the Union. This happened after a five year bloody war overwhelmed the Confederacy. Due to the fact that there couldn’t have been a fair compromise, war was bound to be the decision maker of what happened kwith

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