Michael Phelps: Marijuana Scandal

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Michael Phelps is well-known in the world as a very impressive swimmer. Phelps holds many Olympic and swimming records. He has long surpassed the many records of other highly regarded swimmers. Americans have followed Phelps, starting at a young age. He joined the United States Olympic team at the young age of fifteen. He drew attention from the whole country, considering he was the youngest American swimmer to make the Olympic team in almost seventy years. As Phelps continued his swimming career he was regarded as an innocent and superior child by the United States. Children looked up to Phelps as a role model. Michael gave children the inspiration and hope that they too could complete amazing things at young ages with hard work and determination. …show more content…

Ethos is a good measure of how much respect a subject is granted in a paper. For example, a subject that is highly regarded is said to have a large ethical appeal. Readers are more likely to support someone or something with a well regarded ethical appeal. Before the marijuana scandal, Michael Phelps was highly regarded by his fans, country, and the world. No one can argue that he was one of the best swimmers in the world, and his personality and work ethic was admirable. Phelps had a strong appeal to ethos before the scandal, given, all of his supporters, endorsement labels, and records. When word of this scandal hit the public his fans were livid and quite embarrassed. Endorsers were questioning his character. Phelps had not only let down his team, but America as well. Parents no longer wanted their children to watch or look up to Phelps because they did not want their children to think that pot smoking was a just thing. Even though Phelps apologized to the public the damage had been done. Phelps had lost the respect from his country and endorsers. Many of his endorsers still used him for their campaign, except Kellogg’s. Michaels reputation had been crushed, but he assured he would regain everyones trust back in due time. Phelps ethos had been damaged …show more content…

Wheaties, the “Breakfast of Champions”, has sponsored famous athletes from every sport since 1927. Wheaties is well known for putting “Champion” athletes on their cover. Many of these athletes are highly regarded by the country, and have a strong appeal to ethos, thus, drawing kids in to wanting Wheaties cereal. Wheaties has put Michael Phelps on their cereal boxes two times. The first occurrence in 2004, and then in 2012. The marijuana scandal with Phelps occurred in 2009. The question arises, was putting Phelps on the cover of Wheaties cereal box intelligent for the Wheaties brand? There is no evidence to prove if Phelps appearance on the Wheaties 2012 box hurt sales, but it could have hurt their reputation. Even after apologizing, Phelps would be known as a pot consumer. This is an image most parents do not want their children to be exposed to. Wheaties made a risky call putting Phelps back on their boxes. There is no doubt that Michael Phelps is not a champion swimmer, but the Wheaties slogan “Breakfast for Champions” goes a lot further than just winning. It also means to have a champion character and drive. Phelps champion character can be questioned after his

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