Michael Jordan's Influence On The Game Of Basketball

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Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963. Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn and raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael Jordan went to highschool at Emsley A. Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Michael Jordan had a great influence on the game of basketball and society. He changed the game of basketball as we know it. He took over the NBA by storm. Before Michael Jordan was drafted into the NBA nobody watched basketball because there wasn't enough excitement in it to entertain people. For example the Chicago Bulls was one of the worst teams in the NBA and they wasn't very popular. With Jordan being drafted to the Bulls in the year 1984 in the first round as the third overall pick the wait for something special was over. Before Michael Jordan was drafted only about …show more content…

With the draft of Michael Jordan into the NBA it increased the popularity of the NBA and the game of basketball. Michael Jordan was one of the main factors that made people want to watch NBA games and it made more fans come to the games. Michael Jordan also became an idol for people like LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. He was also an idol for kids and teens to follow in his footsteps in becoming a NBA star. Michael Jordan meant more to basketball than winning six rings in the NBA. Michael Jordan made a whole generation of American children want to “Be Like Mike”. “Jordan's accomplishments on the court and his affable personal style made him the ideal poster child, not only for the NBA, but for basketball all around the world. His presence greatly impacted attendance at games, no matter if they were in Chicago -- attendance at Chicago Stadium rose 87 percent in 1984-85 -- or on the

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