Mexican Border Wall Essay

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A border wall between the U.S. and Mexico can not protect american jobs and reduce crime. I believe that there should be no border wall because it may face new threats at the southern border, Mexicans help our economy, and immigrants are less likely to commit crime.
The first reason why there shouldn't be a border wall between the United States and Mexico is because it may face new threats at the southern border. My evidence for that is from upfront magazine is “Mexico currently collaborates with the U.S. counterterrorism efforts sharing information on potential terrorism suspects.¨ If the U.S. decides to build a wall then there won't be any protection for the U.S because Mexico will feel betrayed and stop sharing information. Someone else …show more content…

According to a website called The Hill it says ¨2.5 million farm workers in the U.S over half ( 53% ) are illegal immigrants.¨ This shows that mexicans help our economy by working for it. Many may argue that they help our economy, but don't pay taxes and steal jobs from americans but, in an article called Politifact it says ¨undocumented immigrants pay 12 billion dollars of taxes every single year.¨ This proves mexicans do pay taxes. Many people also argue that illegal immigrants take away american jobs, which is not true because why would they ¨steal¨ a job that is being offered to them. Many illegal immigrants come to live in the U.S to have a better life because they obviously don't have a good one in Mexico. Most americans have an education in the U.S and have decent jobs like a teacher, doctor, lawyer etc. Many illegal immigrants can't have jobs like that because they didn't go to school in the U.S, and come here to work everyday in jobs like restaurants, construction, etc to help their families. Many illegal immigrants have been living in the U.S for more than 20 years and started their families and have been working to give back to their families and it is horrible to think that a the president wants to separate them just because he believes somethings about them is true and everyone is the

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