Meursault A Sociopath Analysis

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In Albert Camus ' The Stranger, Meursault, a detached young man, floats through his life without any emotion. Meursault 's first name is never given in the novel. It does not matter; Meursault 's name, age, his physical characteristics - none of these things matter. Meursault lives in a hollow, empty world, with no set beginning and no defined end. Nothing for him exists in this life and he feels nothing. Meursault demonstrates traits of a sociopath; having a lack of conscience and containing a personality disorder manifesting itself in his extreme antisocial attitudes. By the same token, M.E Thomas, the author of Confessions of a Sociopath, is also a sociopath. The psychological book, Confessions of a Sociopath, contains quotes from anonymous …show more content…

When Meursault hears about his mother 's death, he shows no emotion and no sadness. The event has no affect on Meursault and he attends the funeral without showing any feeling (#7) of depression, sadness, or remorse. Meursault, even when recalling the event of his mother 's passing, does not remember the day she died even when it was only one day prior. Most people would remember a day they lost a loved one for the rest of their lives. Meursault, exhibiting sociopathic traits, has an ability to control other people using his calm. Meursault was able to convince Raymond to not shoot the Arab and put the gun down. (#16) Meanwhile, Meursault shows another trait of sociopathy that resulted in a radical action: a murder of one of the Arabs. Even after Meursault shot the Arab dead, he fired four more rounds into the Arab 's dead body. One may infer that Meursault thought to himself: the Arab was not anymore dead after the first round than the last four rounds. Once again, Meursault has no feeling of regret, remorse, or grief. At the end of his life, Meursault is condemned to death. Meursault accepts this and towards the very end, actually looks forward to death. It seems as if the only thing that made Meursault happy in his life, was awaiting his death. Meursault is like white noise in the background of life. The noise plays in the background, yet has no actual effect on anything. Meursault has no first name, without an age, without any features. He has no identity. Meursault, is indeed, The

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