Transcending Transformation: Kafka's Metamorphosis

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In, The Metamorphosis, Kafka’s focus of the novel was solely on Gregor Samsa, the main character, and his sudden transformation into a “vermin”, and the development of his transformation throughout the novel. However, Gregor was not the only character who experienced a transformation. Mr. and Mrs. Samsa, Gregor’s father and mother, go through a form of a transformation where they change, but, revert to their formal state. Altogether they go through a transformation but, it was not as significant as Gregor’s transformation. Grete Samsa, Gregor’s sister, is the only other character that goes through a major transformation, where her transformation is solely from an innocent, young adolescent maturing into adulthood. Naturally, when a person is progressing (maturing) from a young adolescent to adulthood, there is time for this to happen. But, upon Gregor’s discovery of his transformation, Grete’s life changed drastically, to the point of, not being able to prolong her youth (innocence), normally. She’s the only one who had a bond with the Gregor. So, when Gregor’s metamorphosis was announced to the chief clerk, Gregor’s boss’s office assistant, Gregor’s mother, father, and his sister, in the novel, Grete was forced to step up and take on the responsibilities of a woman. Because of being forced to grow …show more content…

She is seen as useless and her parents are frequently annoyed with her. The author states this in the novel,” He would often hear them say how they appreciated all the new work his sister was doing even though before, they had seen her as a girl who was somewhat useless and frequently been annoyed with her”. (Kafka 25) This quote shows how she is just a young, naïve, teenager who is still in the phase of adolescence. It seems that Grete is the only one who has a close bond with Gregor out of the family. This is shown when Gregor states:
Gregor only remained close to his sister now. Unlike him, she was very fond

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